
Small towns are all about community and coming together to show off the best of what makes home so special. In Ucluelet, no one does it better than Ukeedaze, a free quarterly magazine. Since 2015, the two behind the label, Diana Uy and Paul Freimouth, have been putting out 12,000 copies per year of what can only be described as a showcase of Island and Ucluelet lifestyle, community, mindset and beauty. Stunning photography shot by Freimuth himself, or by other local photographers, is partnered with fun articles that feature local businesses, faces and concerns, revolving around the four seasons.

Photo by: Laurissa Cebryk

Ucluelet especially is all about its stunning backyard and keeping the environment protected via sustainable practices. Ukeedaze reflects this in how they print their magazine: on partially recycled paper and with soy-based ink. While visiting the town you’ll see copies scattered throughout coffee shops and displayed proudly on shelves and front desks. You may even see them as widespread as Vancouver, or internationally if someone happens to have grabbed one as a souvenir. You should too if that season’s creative cover catches your eye. The stories showcased within also describe Ukee to a “t”, it’s a quaint harbour town filled with easy-going spirits and good vibes.

All of the magazine’s production is paid for through the local businesses that advertise within the publication. To bring it full circle and in the community spirit of giving back, Ukeedaze, in turn, donates money through what they call the “UCare” program. Every time a Ukeedaze Stanfield is purchased, a portion is donated to a local cause. Stanfields, in case you didn’t know, are cozy wool shirts also known as the Island Tuxedo. Rest assured that T-shirts, Stanfields and postcards are just the beginning.

Photo by: Ukeedaze

Through the dedication and hard work of two amazing Ukee locals, a little piece of Ucluelet has made its way into a tangible magazine that both locals and visitors alike delight in reading. Turn the pages of the town’s stories and fall in love a little more with our slice of Vancouver Island’s West Coast Paradise.

Contributed by: Laurissa Cebryk